Your 2024 November Full Moon in Taurus Horoscope

This is an electric full Moon, as it forms in tight conjunction to Uranus on November 15, 2024. Undoubtedly, some shockwaves from the US election will be in the air. There’s plenty of reason to suspect the election will come with its fair share of legal challenge, whoever the victor turns out to be. We shall have to wait and see.

Challenges in November’s Full Moon Horoscope

On a personal level, this full Moon is likely to bring out a sense of things hanging in the balance in the world around you. The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will feel this most strongly, as this year has been one punctuated by the awkward dance of Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter and Mercury are in opposition this full Moon, but there are themes of finding common ground that should encourage us.

Saturn is finally stationing direct, which is something to celebrate. It will now proceed its dutiful march through the back-half of Pisces, to enter Aries summer of next year. Gemini and Pisces are most advantaged by this change in direction, but all signs will feel the improvement in some way. And this month, the lovely planet of gentle gifts and tender care, Venus, is in great aspect to Saturn – opening up so much opportunity, from romantic to financial to professional.

Your 2024 November Full Moon in Taurus Horoscope


Aries, your professional life is taking center stage this month. With Saturn stationing direct, workplace chaos should begin to settle, although it may take another few weeks before you can see the tide has truly shifted. Still, it’s an opportune time to ask for that raise or make a significant purchase you’ve been considering. Your financial prospects look promising, especially when you blend them with social activities. Be mindful of your communication, though. The opposition between Jupiter and Mercury in your communication houses could spell trouble if your words don’t align with your actions. Integrity is key now – say what you mean and follow through on your promises. This approach will serve you well in both personal and professional spheres, although this month may bring some vexing complications forward that will take some creative thinking.


This full Moon falls in your first house, Taurus, bringing a flurry of activity your way. Uranus, a planet of surprises, is deeply embedded in this full Moon, so I’m afraid I have to share the pithy adage: expect the unexpected. Your ruling planet, Venus, graces your ninth house, making this an excellent time for personal growth. Consider enrolling in a course, learning a new language, or planning that overseas trip you’ve been dreaming about. (Even better if your trip is already planned for this period!) Professional developments look favorable too, thanks to Venus’s aspect with Saturn. Just keep your requests grounded and realistic, as Saturn prefers to deal with things that are measured and thoroughly considered. Watch your spending and avoid erratic investment choices. This month offers mixed opportunities for financial gain, so prudence will be your best ally.


Dear Gemini, if you’ve been struggling to connect with a romantic partner or your boss, expect matters to come to a head this month. It seems both parties have been accommodating perceived expectations rather than expressing their own perceptions, and their own hard truths. It’s time for honest communication – let the chips fall where they may. Saturn’s direct station signals relief from recent pressures, though one final test is likely to come near year’s end. Take it easy for now; you’ve weathered a challenging year, and better times are on the horizon. I might suggest you make the most this period and reassess your long-term investment strategy. When was the last time you gave it a thorough review? Are you putting enough away? Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor enough now? These are the things to consider.


Cancer, prepare for an enjoyable yet dynamic month ahead. The conjunction of Uranus and your ruling planet, the Moon, infuses this period with erratic energy, and while that can be a bit grating for gentler souls, surprise is one of those spices that adds to life. It’s an ideal time to pursue romantic interests or invest in strengthening existing relationships. Consider that overseas trip you’ve been postponing – with some creativity, you should find a way to make it happen. I would urge a bit of caution this Thanksgiving – you have one of those classic signatures of perhaps indulging a bit beyond what you’d prefer under clearer thinking. Then again, Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time for those of us who love to cook and eat – balance is the key word.


With Mars in your first house, Leo, you’re brimming with energy during what might otherwise be a slow(er) month. Work might feel like a grind, and you may not feel as appreciated as you deserve. However, senior members are taking notice of your efforts. Don’t hesitate to seek their guidance if needed. Opportunities abroad or in specialized learning look promising – or, if you want something a little less intense, consider reconnecting with the more spiritual side of life. It’s also an excellent time to welcome a pet into your life if you’ve been considering it. Be cautious with speculative activities this month; Mars in your ascendant might prompt hasty decisions. With your income and debt houses at odds, it’s better to hold off on major financial moves until early 2025.


Virgo, your ruling planet Mercury’s movements might leave you feeling blocked, especially in work and relationships. I know that’s been difficult, and this has been a bit of a rocky year on those fronts. The good news is that things are shifting, even if movement feels slow. Ride out this storm for a few more weeks – early 2025 promises smoother sailing, with relationship clarity coming even sooner. In the meantime, focus your energy on your home. It’s an ideal time for fall cleaning and winter preparations, and perhaps even a bit of re-decorating. A new paint color can do wonders to lift the mood! If you’ve been considering a loan or need to borrow funds, current conditions favor progressing those negotiations. Remember, this challenging period is temporary – stay focused on your long-term goals.

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It looks like you might’ve taken a little too much on lately, Libra, and are finding yourself managing a bit of the overwhelm. This is a good month for setting some of that straight, as Venus, your planetary ruler, applies to the stabilizing presence of Saturn. Saturn is placed in your sixth house, and so this full Moon it represents where the day-to-day obligations feel heavy. The contact between Venus and Saturn can go a long way toward lifting some of those burdens. The opposition between Mercury and Jupiter, placed in your communication houses, indicates you might be agreeing to more than you can practically manage or sustain. If that sounds possible, start there, and remember – whenever we say ‘yes’ to something, we say ‘no’ to something else.

Discover the Perfect Menu for Zodiac Sign Scorpio


Mars has entered your tenth house this full Moon, Scorpio, and that should indicate you’re feeling more in control, ready to direct, as if you’ve reached an important summit. Next month, Mars will be turning retrograde, so there will be more to discuss then, but for now – consider what you see around you, and where you are instinctually pulled to act and react. That should clue you into the themes likely to be revisited in December and Mars’ retrograde pass. This is a great time for romantic ventures, whether with someone established or someone new. If you’re a writer, or otherwise use messaging for creative purposes, this is due to be a lucky and productive month for you. If that doesn’t describe you, Scorpio, don’t fret – that same luck and satisfaction will show up in reading, signing contracts, and socializing with neighbors and siblings.


It might not be a bad idea to go have a read of the Gemini horoscope, Sagittarius, because in some respects, your signs operate as two sides of the same coin. This full Moon chart suggests you’ve been putting too much on your plate for the sake of appeasing others. What happens when they don’t appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made? This is the hard lesson that comes from the opposition of Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively. There are good financial prospects for you this month, especially related to fourth house themes like real estate (building, decorating, buying, selling, renovating) and working with the earth (gardening, wells and mining, water infrastructure). If you’re not in these fields, you might consider finding ways to invest in them this month.


Wow, I think you’ve won the good luck award this month, Capricorn. Venus is in your first house, forming a wonderfully supportive aspect to your ruling planet, Saturn. This is great for anywhere you need to drive profit or success. Have a project roll-out you want to see do well? Use this signature. It’s good for making investments (securities or real estate), and for professional advancement. It’s even beneficial for romantic endeavors, whether that means a new face or investing more in the love that’s already present in your life, and for conceiving (if having children is on your mind!). One risk present in this full Moon is the same which afflicted the Cancers – Venus’s impression on your first house, with Jupiter and Mercury opposed in your 6th and 12th houses respectively, could invite overindulgence in the sensual parts of life.


I can see that you’re putting your financial affairs in order, Aquarius, and that there are still a few sacrifices to be made in the final stages of setting a new path. I think you’ll feel quite happy with how things have shifted for you in summer of next year, and you’ll be grateful for all the groundwork you’ve done this year. For the single Aquarians reading, this full Moon beings prospects for some new romantic beginnings, although you may want to be sure who you’re dealing with before pushing the gas pedal to the floor. If you’re already coupled, it may be that your partner is feeling overlooked at the moment. Maybe take the time to bring them front and center, see what that can unlock for you both. The holidays are coming, and Mars is angular for you – go easy on your siblings and cousins, and your in-laws (if you have them).


Finally, Pisces, Saturn is stationing direct and is preparing for his final months in your sign. No one enjoys have Saturn pass through their ascendant, but there’s an important maturing that comes along with this transit that you may already be grateful for. Venus in your eleventh house comes to sextile Saturn this month, which should open up some unique and valuable opportunities for you. This could take a romantic tone, but I suspect it’s more likely to be the kind of opportunity that sets you up better for the direction you want your life to take. Your work life is likely to be stacked with a lot of busywork this month. As frustrating as that can be, keep in mind that things like that are typically cyclical, and come and go. I think you’ve got a great month to look forward to.

Story by Wade Caves / Photo Courtesy of Zoltan Tasi

Wade Caves, based in Brooklyn, NY, is an astrological consultant and educator specializing in problem-solving applications of astrology. He teaches astrological divination and astronomy at the School of Traditional Astrology. Wade also publishes his work on world astrology through Skyscript’s In Mundo publishing desk and hosts the World Astrology Summit, a conference dedicated to the advancement of astrology for global problem-solving. Website: • Email:

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