Your 2024 October Full Moon in Aries Horoscope

As we move into this new lunar cycle in October’s horoscope, we emerge from eclipse season. While we’ll revisit these powerful celestial events in about six months, for now their transformative energy has passed. Eclipses often bring recognition of endings, illuminating aspects of our lives that have quietly decayed and need clearing out. Like lightning striking a tree, they reveal what no longer sustains new growth, paving the way for fresh beginnings.

This full Moon in Aries encourages renewal and sustainable action. Picture the Ram regrowing its wool after shearing – it’s time to focus on what’s immediate and manageable. However, with the Moon and Sun separating from squares to Mars, consider whether you’ve been overly active lately. A brief respite before plunging ahead might be just the ticket.

Saturn’s direct station this month marks the end of a prolonged period of structural reassessment. We’ve revisited life structures, confronted fears, and rebuilt long-term goals. Now, it’s time to apply these lessons practically.

Challenges in Your October Horoscope

Our first challenge in October’s horoscope comes with Jupiter’s retrograde station. As Saturn’s astrological counterpart, Jupiter’s shift may trigger crises of faith and confuse our understanding of grace and mercy in daily life. Focus on making promises you can keep and avoid empty rhetoric.

These planetary shifts will particularly impact the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). Hopefully, Saturn’s direct motion helps alleviate the most challenging aspects of recent astrological patterns. As we navigate these celestial currents, remember that awareness and adaptability are key to making the most of this transitional period.

See what’s in the stars for you this October by checking out your 2023 New Moon in Libra horoscope below.

Your 2024 October Full Moon in Aries Horoscope


This full Moon in your sign, Aries, endows you with enhanced decision-making prowess. Use this clarity wisely, as Jupiter’s retrograde in your 3rd house hints at communication hiccups. Promises or agreements may need revision, particularly if they’ve been recently broken. This transit lasts for about 5 months, so prepare for this to take a while to iron out. Don’t be surprised if long-standing conflicts bubble to the surface, especially in your home life or with family. The Sun and Moon’s separating squares to Mars in your 4th house are exposing these issues at their core. In your professional sphere, be prepared for potential power plays from higher-ups as the Sun approaches a square with Pluto. Your best strategy? Steer clear of interpersonal and office politics, and instead focus on articulating and pursuing what truly matters to you. You’ve got some good luck coming up soon with respect to travel – get some plans in motion!


Taurus, you’ve likely been in a whirlwind of activity lately. The Sun and Moon’s separating squares to Mars in your 3rd house point to a hectic period where you’ve been juggling multiple tasks, perhaps feeling like you’re barely keeping up. If you have important matters to discuss, or something you need to say, it’s best to address them promptly and directly. Mars is approaching an opposition with Pluto across your communication houses, which could lead to unwelcome consequences if left suppressed. Jupiter’s turned retrograde in your 2nd house of finances, signaling a time for material reassessment. You may need to evaluate areas where you’re overextending yourself financially or perhaps putting money into others’ pockets when it could be better saved, invested, or kept closer to home. When was the last time you recalibrated your financial strategies and ensured your resources were aligned with your long-term goals?


If this year has been a rollercoaster of progress and setbacks, dear Gemini, hang in there – you’re nearing the finish line. Jupiter’s retrograde in your 1st house may bring personal reversals or changes of heart, perhaps making you feel like a hoped-for opportunity is slipping away. Don’t lose heart. There’s good news on the horizon: Saturn stations direct in your 10th house of career and life direction this month. While you’ll face another challenge when Jupiter and Saturn square off in December, it should be more manageable than your summer struggles now that Saturn is moving forward. On a lighter note, romance is in the air. If you’re single, it’s time to put yourself out there. For those in committed relationships, consider spicing things up. This period offers a chance to balance personal revision with professional progress and romantic possibilities – you can pick a focus, or go for a little bit of everything.

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Cancer, this full Moon in your 10th house signals career developments coming to a head. If you’ve been experiencing workplace tension, particularly with an authority figure, I hope you’re encouraged to learn that this influence is about to ease. You’re entering a favorable period for making modest improvements in your daily life. Focus on routines and habits that ward off burnout and boost your mood. Embrace social time with friends; it’ll do you good. Saturn’s long stay in your 9th house has made education or travel more challenging than usual. Fortunately, it’s stationing direct, promising smoother sailing ahead, aside from a brief hiccup in December. Now’s the time to turn your attention to finances. With Mars set to transit your 2nd house in the coming months, it’s wise to get a handle on your spending habits. Start budgeting now to avoid potential financial stress later.


Leo, if you’ve been tackling debts, there’s good news on the horizon. Saturn is ending its retrograde in your 8th house of owed money and stationing direct. This shift should help you gain traction and overcome recent obstacles. However, your social life may need attention. Jupiter’s retrograde in your 11th house could bring unresolved conflicts with friends to the surface. Approach these situations with thoughtfulness and empathy, but stick to your guns. Be mindful of tension building between you and a partner or close associate as Mars opposes Pluto across your 1st and 7th house axis. Address any lingering issues gradually to avoid a major confrontation. On a brighter note, your romantic life is getting a boost. Whether you’re single or partnered, it’s time to turn up the heat. Go on extra dates, meet new people, or reignite the passion in your current relationship.


There’s light at the end of the tunnel in your partnerships, dear Virgo. Saturn is ending its retrograde in your 7th house, signaling relief from connection difficulties and the weight of others’ responsibilities. This challenging period is nearing its final act, which comes to close next summer. On the career front, Jupiter’s retrograde in your 10th house might bring disappointments come December. Stay grounded and avoid putting too much stock in promises made now. The key is to let things settle before making major moves. Your home life, however, is set for positive changes. It’s an ideal time to redecorate or increase your hosting activities. More profoundly, you’re entering a period ripe for healing deep-seated issues from your upbringing. Make the most of any therapy sessions this month – you’re primed for breakthrough insights that could significantly improve your emotional well-being and self-confidence.

Discover the Perfect Menu for Zodiac Sign Libra


This full Moon in your 7th house puts partnerships front and center for the coming October horoscope, little Libra. You’re likely emerging from a period of sustained conflict with someone close to you. Whether this tension was visible or kept private, the Moon and Sun’s separation from Mars, your 7th house ruler, suggests the worst is behind you. Now’s the time to focus on healing and rebuilding. Your ruling planet, Venus, is about to grace your 3rd house, bringing a stroke of luck to your self-expression, daily routines, and interactions with neighbors and siblings. This is an excellent opportunity to nurture your less intense social connections. Make the most of this period by planning short trips, engaging in meaningful conversations, and refreshing your daily rituals. These lighter social interactions could provide a welcome balance to the deeper partnership work you’ve been navigating.


Scorpio, with Mercury in your 1st house, be on guard for potential trickery or rapidly shifting facts around you. As the Moon opposes Mercury, take extra time to review information before acting. Trust your instincts if something seems off – a crucial piece of the puzzle might be missing or intentionally misrepresented. On a brighter note, Venus is entering your 2nd house of finances, signaling opportunity for financial gains. This could come through partnerships or joint ventures, or perhaps even a financially stable romantic partner if you’re in the market. Your creative life is also set for a boost. If you’ve been feeling creatively stagnant, relief is on the way. Saturn’s upcoming direct station in your 5th house should help dissolve creative blocks or at least provide insights on how to circumvent them. Stay vigilant in communication, but open to financial and imaginative prospects.


Venus graces your sign this month, shiny Sagittarius, ushering in a wave of good fortune across various life areas. Expect a general boost in social, romantic, professional, and even financial matters. It’s your time to shine, with everything you touch getting a little extra sparkle. However, your ruling planet Jupiter has turned retrograde in your 7th house, signaling potential shifts in partnerships. Whether it’s a change in a romantic relationship or a decision to prioritize your own needs, this transition will prove beneficial in the long run. Be prepared for a challenge come December, but for now, take it one day at a time. While work life may be quieter, your social sphere is heating up. These connections may require more of your attention than usual – be sure to engage when you can. Balance is key as you navigate this period of personal luck and relationship recalibration.


Capricorn, the cautionary period for contracts and major communications is drawing to a close. Your ruling planet, Saturn, stations direct in your 3rd house this month, signaling a return to business as usual. Feel free to resume signing documents and making important agreements with confidence. Recent tensions with a partner or significant other may have left you feeling on edge. The Sun and Moon’s separation from Mars in your 7th house suggests they might have instigated the conflict. While empathy is crucial, don’t rush to apologize if you weren’t at fault – the lesson needs to sink in. Instead, reflect on times when you’ve been in similar situations to foster understanding. Your professional life is set to calm down, with a promising upswing mid-November when 10th-ruler Venus aspects Saturn favorably. More career developments are on the horizon – stay tuned for the next full Moon.


Charming Aquarius, professional instability may have been a source of frustration lately. While I can’t promise immediate resolution, expect new developments to unfold. Stay present and responsive, but verify all information you receive before acting. This period of flux should offer unexpected opportunities if you remain adaptable. Your social life is set for a boost, if that’s any consolation for your professional troubles. It’s an excellent time to expand your circle or seek guidance from a trusted mentor or patron. Their insights could prove invaluable in navigating your current professional landscape. Financially, a long drought is almost over. Saturn’s direct station in your 2nd house of wealth and resources should help you regain momentum towards your financial goals. While December may bring another test, the worst of the squeeze is behind you. Focus on steady progress and building newfound stability, though I do recommend you continue to forego large expenditures for the next few months.


You’re on the cusp of a significant shift in this October horoscope, Pisces. If you’ve been feeling stuck, Saturn’s direct station in your 1st house marks a turning point. Expect a boost in self-confidence and determination, helping you overcome self-imposed obstacles. While December may bring a challenge, it won’t compare to what you’ve already navigated this year. Financially, the stars are aligning in your favor. Venus entering your 10th house of career opens doors for prosperity. If you’ve been considering a business loan, now’s an opportune time, as Venus rules both your contract and borrowed funds houses. Whatever you do, make the most of October’s general good fortune in your professional life. Despite a temptation to travel, it’s best to stay put for now. Any relief from a trip might be short-lived and lead to increased responsibilities upon return. Focus on leveraging current opportunities closer to home.

Wade Caves, based in Brooklyn, NY, is an astrological consultant and educator specializing in problem-solving applications of astrology. He teaches astrological divination and astronomy at the School of Traditional Astrology. Wade also publishes his work on world astrology through Skyscript’s In Mundo publishing desk and hosts the World Astrology Summit, a conference dedicated to the advancement of astrology for global problem-solving. Website: • Email:

Illustration by Shane Powers

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