4 Fun Activities to do with Kids in Pittsburgh

As a professional educator, founder and CEO of Catalyst Academy, and a proud Pittsburgh parent of two, Brian Smith shares with TABLE a list of wonderful activities to do with kids in the ‘Burgh. He believes that all children, especially historically disadvantaged children, should have access to a great education. 

Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh

10 Children’s Way
There’s a reason the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh is always ranked among the best in the country! Whether it’s your first time, or you’re a frequent visitor, there are so many engaging exhibits — your kids are guaranteed to have a great time. 

Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium

7370 Baker Street
The Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium is truly a remarkable Pittsburgh asset that kids always enjoy. Parent tip: Beyond seeing many great animal exhibits, make sure to build in time for your kids to play at the Kids Kingdom playground. Always a hit. 

CitiPark: Movies in the Park

Multiple Locations
There is something truly special about gathering your family on a blanket to watch a movie in one of Pittsburgh’s many city parks on a summer night. 

Bike Pittsburgh: Open Streets

Multiple Locations
Open Streets Pittsburgh is such a fun way for families to explore many of our city’s great neighborhoods. On select weekends in the spring and summer, a network of streets is blocked from car traffic to enable people to walk and bike freely. Kids love this chance to “break the rules.” 

Story by Brian Smith

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