The Adult Spring Break Spritz

Remember spring break? When you were in school, you didn’t need to schedule time off…you just got it. That blissful week or two in March when you’d head to some vacation destination or just pig out before the semester ended. Unfortunately, in adult life, you rarely get a spring break that idyllic. But a cocktail like this Adult Spring Break Spritz can transport you to the beaches, pools, and booze cruises that make up the spring breaker aesthetic.  

What’s In Our Adult Spring Break Spritz?

Nothing says collegiate debauchery to me like 99 Bananas. You can get it at the liquor store for a dollar, and as the name suggests, it’s 99-proof banana-infused liqueur. (Note: we do not recommend operating heavy machinery after drinking this cocktail). The Adult Spring Break Spritz will ease you into spritz season. It has the basic shape of your average everyday spritz, using sparkling water, Prosecco, and a whole shooter of 99 Bananas, combined in a wine glass. But one of its advantages is that you can drink it poolside and have it look like you’re just sipping on sparkling water…only you will know the truth.

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An adult spring break spritz, a clear cocktail in a wine glass.

The Adult Spring Break Spritz

  • Author: Emma Riva


A cocktail for carefree days!


  • 1 mini-bottle of 99 Bananas
  • 2oz Prosecco
  • 1oz sparkling water
  • Orange peel for garnish.


  1. Add ice to a spritz glass.
  2. Pour in mini bottle of 99 Banana. (Note: If you want a less boozy drink, modify to your comfort level).
  3. Top off with Prosecco and sparkling water. Garnish with orange twist.

Recipe by Emma Riva
Photography by Kylie Thomas

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