Burgh’er-meister Fiore Moletz visits New York for an epic weekend in tandem with a fellow chef. They decide to memorialize their trip as only chefs would: in a burger. They piled fresh basil, tomato, cream cheese, jalapeños, onion, and a hefty burger inside a potato bun, and there it was — their weekend on a plate. “That burger is an animal!” exclaimed one of the first people to try their creation. That Animal Burgh’er name has stuck to this day.
Animal Burgh’er Recipe
4 servings
Animal Burgh’er Ingredients
- 1 1/4 pounds local grass-fed ground beef
- 4 potato buns
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 10 basil leaves
- 4 slices tomato
- 2 jalapeños, sliced into thin wheels
- 4 ¼-inch slices of cream cheese
- 1 red onion, cut into very thin ribbons
Burgh’er Preparation
- Roll the ground beef into 4 round balls.
- Toast buns in a cast iron skillet over medium heat until golden brown. Set aside in a warm place.
- Add your balls to the hot pan, leaving enough room to smash the burgers very thin.
- Cook until the bottoms are nice and caramelized. (You should be able to move the balls around the pan without them sticking.) Smash the balls until they are the just a little bigger than the circumference of the bottom bun. Thin is key! Season with salt and pepper.
- Flip the burgers when they are nice and caramelized. Season with salt and pepper.
- Cook to medium rare, about three to four minutes on each side.
- Build your burger: top bun, basil, tomato, jalapeños, cream cheese, onion, burger, bottom bun.
Animal Burgh’er cheat code: Add Italian dressing to the toasted side of the top bun before you build it!
Recipe by Fiore Moletz / Photography by Adam Milliron / Styling by Quelcy Kogel