8 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

As December comes to a close, maybe you find yourself wondering if you should even have a New Year’s resolution. Some people think New Year’s resolutions set us up to fail, and that is possible. But you can take small steps to be healthier in mind, body, and soul…and achieve your goals for the new year.

Just for fun, here are some of the TABLE staff resolutions:

  • “Read more and make time to read every day.” – Online Editor Kylie Thomas
  • “I pick a word to focus on throughout the year and try to hold that in my thoughts and actions as I go through my daily life.” – Sales Enablement Executive Zack Durkin
  • “I’m planning on starting yoga.” – Sales Intern Ethan Chmura
  • “Vacation more.”Director of Operations Star Laliberte 
  • “I resolve to be irresolute. Certainty is SO yesterday.” – Editor in Chief Keith Recker

Mine is to try some new wines and have a better work life balance. But, if none of those appeal to you (and maybe you do want a little certainty), try these healthy New Year’s resolutions.

8 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Get Fit(ter)

Regular gym rats probably roll their eyes when January comes around and suddenly newcomers flock to the weight rack in search of self-betterment. Or maybe you roll your eyes at the influencers on social media telling you to start doing Pilates to improve your health, when they already look perfect. Alas, I regret to inform you, they are right. Exercise does actually make you feel better. You can start small and exercise in the privacy of your own home with YouTube channels like Blogilates or EMKFIT. Or, join a low-cost gym like Planet Fitness to start your fitness journey at a lower commitment.

Try a New Kitchen Skill

There’s the adage that men hit thirty and either get way too into curing meats or World War II history.  Or was it Ancient Rome? But it is true that as you get older, you start to explore more niche hobbies to fill your time. Fermenting, curing meats, or making your own pasta can be fun ways to experiment in the kitchen. Many things you buy at the store can be homemade, and learning to make wine or make bread is a fun pastime for the midwinter months when the days are gray and there’s nothing better to do. Check out a book like The Art of Fermentation or buy tchotchkes like a curing meat kit or a pasta maker.   

Learn a New Language

With tools like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, it’s easier than ever to learn a new language on your phone or computer. Replace doomscrolling with something better for your brain. In the United States, over 53 million people speak Spanish, so what’s your excuse? You can also find a conversation partner from anywhere in the world on Busuu. Just a little bit of practice every day can turn language learning into a habit.

Start a Meditation Practice

Meditation is another one of those potential eye rolls that does turn out to actually be true. Yes, every smug namaste-saying wellness professional on earth will tell you that, but the fact is that it has a real benefit in your day-to-day life. The podcast Search Engine’s recent episode “How do you sit quietly in the middle of a storm?” is a good guide for people who might feel like meditation is not for them. Rev. angel Kyodo williams, a Zen priest, eschewed of upper case letters, and author of Radical Dharma, appears in the episode.  She speaks about how for those who didn’t grow up with “mindfulness,” it can be harder to access, but there are many ways to meditate, including moving, singing, and other things that don’t involve just sitting still.

Cut Down on Alcohol

Dry January is a good way to start the New Year for both your liver and your wallet. Try one of our mocktails if you want to get creative with it. Or, just stick to mineral water, fruit juice, and herbal teas. Maybe you keep Dry January going for a few months, or you just take the time to reflect and clear your head to start out the year. 

Eat More Vegetables

Rather than cutting things out of your diet, maybe take steps to add more vegetables into your diet. Salads are one of the easiest home meals to make and can brighten up your day. Try recipes like Roasted Beet Salad, Lemon Za’atar Salad, or Baby Kale Salad with Artichoke Hearts from our Best Salads of 2024. There are lots of creative ways to use vegetables, like roasting them or incorporating them into stews, or even just as a side. Your body and mind will thank you!

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Be Nicer

When we talked amongst ourselves about our New Years’ resolutions, one thing that came up was that that while physical health is important, it often sets you up to feel disappointed. One thing you can do that costs nothing is to tell people in your life you appreciate them. Life is short, and getting to spend another year with your loved ones is a blessing.

Story by Emma Riva
Photo by Maddie Bazzocco 

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