Wade Weissmann on Homes of Quiet Elegance

Wade Weissmann Architecture is set to release Homes of Quiet Elegance, a book-length collection of the firm’s recent work, on August 20. The book features 175 color photographs of the homes Weissman’s many clients have trusted him with over the years. In anticipation of the book’s release, Weissman spoke to TABLE about how Homes of Quiet Elegance demonstrates his firm’s commitment to quality homes that stand the test of time.

TABLE: What does “quiet elegance” mean to you” 

Wade Weissmann (WW): The projects within the book, and our work as a whole, reflect a sort of quiet anonymity within the design that centers on legacy, heirloom quality and cherishing the lives lived within these spaces.

It’s a reverence for the individuality of the client’s personal history and the history of the setting coming together. It’s also an appreciation of practicality and function that translates into a thoughtful and gracious way of living. For us, quiet elegance is being at ease with your surroundings in a way that’s a true reflection and representation of the inhabitants.

TABLE: You write in the book’s description that “every place has a unique identity.” Could you expand a little bit on that? What makes a home unique? 

WW: Each project, set of clients and resulting home is much like a treasured family recipe. It’s very unique to them. This recipe includes their specific background, what’s meaningful to them, their culture, family traditions, recreational interests.

All that is combined with the inherent character and setting of the site itself. We look at all of these factors before we even begin designing. We also research and reference historical precedents. Ideally, the identity of a place should have its own unique personality that remains timeless.

TABLE: What do you hope people take away from Quiet Elegance?

WW: I hope that people will take away from our book that working with a boutique architecture firm like ours is in itself a very unique experience and a highly personal one. Also, that thoughtful, next level design is a highly collaborative process.

The collaboration between architect and clients, artisans, trades, general contractors, landscape architects, and interior designers are all integral to the outcome of the project. When the synergy of all of these ingredients melds together it can create a magical unfolding.

Story by Emma Riva / Photo courtesy of Wade Weissmann

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